
包巾是嬰兒必備的用品之一,一條適合的包巾能讓增加嬰兒的安全感,讓他們睡得安穩。Goxip提供款式多樣的嬰兒包巾,有俏皮可愛,也有簡約時尚,不同熱門品牌包括Aden + Anais、John Lewis和Diesel的包巾都各有特色,迎合不同階段的嬰兒。喜歡透氣度高的,可以選擇竹纖維或紗布;喜歡柔軟的,可以選擇純棉或絨毛。款式琳琅滿目。Goxip也為你搜羅了多款套裝的包巾,經常替換也不是問題。

Best baby swaddles in 台灣 Swaddling is the art of snugly wrapping a baby in a blanket for warmth and security. It can keep your baby from being disturbed by his or her own startle reflex, and it can help them stay warm and toasty for the first few days of life. So if you’re a firm believer in this technique, get your new cute newborn swaddle from Goxip’s amazing selection, because we offer the best from the best from this more practical side to baby couture. Get a practical zip-up design that doesn’t require you to develop your own swaddling technique, and have fun picking out the most adorable prints and colors. If you want to keep things simple go for a soft pastel color, but don’t pass up on our to-die-for baby swaddle prints! Shop designer baby swaddles online at Goxip Take your pick from designer baby swaddle wraps and swaddle suits and keep your baby snuggly and warm during naptime. If you want to really stock up on our cute and sweet designs you can make the more practical decision of buying in packs