Sherry Yeung

Lin Chi-Ling and Jerry Yan marriage rumor sparks!

Get Lin Chi-Ling’s sophisticated style now!

Lin Chi-Ling and Jerry Yan marriage rumor sparks! | Goxip

Who wasn’t a fan of Taiwanese pop group F4? Three of the four F4 members are married, only Jerry Yan is still not married now. However, Lin Chi-Ling and Jerry Yan might be married according to the rumours! We all are so surprised but at the same time would like to send them all the blisses! Let’s check Lin Chi-Ling’s sophisticated style now and review her elegant secrets!

Lin Chi-Ling and Jerry Yan marriage rumor sparks! | Goxip

1.Elegant white trench coat

Lin Chi-Ling and Jerry Yan marriage rumor sparks! | Goxip

2. Sexy but sophisticated black style

Lin Chi-Ling and Jerry Yan marriage rumor sparks! | Goxip

3. Lovely vocation style

Lin Chi Ling's Instagram