Jo Loves A Fragrance - Red Truffle 21 - 100ml

Cult Beauty Ltd.
USD 147
21 years on, Jo Malone carefully curated A Fragrance - Red Truffle 21 in fond celebration of opening her very first fragrance store.An unexpected and unique addition to the Jo Loves arsenal, this vibrant fragrance blends notes of truffles with fresh green fig, bitter citrus, woody juniper and cool, crisp pine. Described as a truffle made contemporary, this androgynous combination can be layered alongside other fragrances or worn alone, and is completely vegan and cruelty-free. Its also available in two sizes 50ml and 100ml so you can ensure youre never without your signature scent. (We recommend keeping one in your bag, one on your desk, and one in pride of place on your dressing table)