Ally Cheng

Can popping your pimples leave scars? Are acne products really effective? 3 myths and facts about acne

Squeeze no more pimples with your hands!

Can popping your pimples leave scars? Are acne products really effective? 3 myths and facts about acne | Goxip

Acne is a common skin problem, especially in the summer when the skin becomes oily and masks irritate it, causing breakouts. The appearance of acne flare-ups can be an eyesore, but popping them can leave scars and create endless problems. How should acne be treated when it appears? In addition to daily deep cleansing products, what are the best ways to battle breakouts? Here we debunk 3 of the most pervasive acne myths and pesky rumors.

Can I squeeze my pimples?

Can popping your pimples leave scars? Are acne products really effective? 3 myths and facts about acne | Goxip

The answer from dermatologists is: "Absolutely not! The reason is that if you squeeze the acne in an inappropriate way, it is a surefire way to cause the loss of skin tissue and may form irreversible scars. Generally speaking, most acne is papules and pustules, which basically only leave pigmented scars after proper treatment, and these scars will fade to disappear with time.

How should acne be treated?

Can popping your pimples leave scars? Are acne products really effective? 3 myths and facts about acne | Goxip

Using retinoid creams reduces oil secretion and stimulates keratin metabolism, which improves acne production; for more severe inflammatory rashes or cysts, we recommend taking antibiotics or retinoid gel in addition to other topical creams, after consulting with a doctor.

Is it really possible to remove acne with the products available on the market?

Can popping your pimples leave scars? Are acne products really effective? 3 myths and facts about acne | Goxip

Azelaic acid kills bacteria infecting pores and reduces the production of keratin; retinoids contribute to immunity and skin health; benzene peroxide inhibits the dermis and is antibacterial; antibiotics are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory; sulfur preparations have antibacterial properties known to have antibacterial properties since ancient times. Azelaic acid and retinoids are commonly found in acne products. They are generally effective at reducing acne when used properly.
