SkinCeuticals Retinol 1.0

JPY 15,938
NewBeauty - Beauty Choice Award The Best Product with Retinol Perfect for problematic and photo-damaged skin, Retinol 1.0 contains 1% pure retinol, the highest concentration currently available, and should be used for advanced treatment of pre-conditioned skin. Designed for maximum efficacy and stability, SkinCeuticals Retinol is formulated with highest concentrations of pure retinol available and enhanced with the latest stabilization and delivery technologies. Our retinol products help stimulate cell regeneration and build collagen to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots from both photo- and intrinsic- aging. Additionally, they help minimize the appearance of pore size, while correcting blemishes and blotchiness often associated with problematic skin. Benefits: Helps reduce appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, ages spots, blemishes, and blotchiness Preserves optimal retinol stability and minimizes erythema commonly associated with the use of retinol Ensures maximum amount of retinol reaches the target siteWill not clog pores and eliminates the need of additional moisturizer **Winner! Best Skincare Brand and Best Longstanding Brand 2017 as voted for by SkinStore customers.**