
Big S Reveals Her Weight Loss Secrets

Big S Reveals Her Weight Loss Secrets  | Goxip

Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu is well-known for her self-discipline when it comes to maintaining her appearance and recently the star made headlines with a noticeably trimmer look. Despite being naturally petite, the actress has previously opened up about her struggles of maintaining a small frame and the pressures of being on screen.

In recent years, however, Big S has reported that she’s finally at a better place with her after finally giving up yoyo dieting and unrealistic weight loss goals. And after the birth of her two children, she decided to shed the extra baby weight in a healthy and sustainable way that would lead to long-lasting results. Fast forward to summer this year and she’s looking the best she’s ever looked which led us to do some digging into how she did it. Here’s what we found.

(1)Only Eat Breakfast and Lunch

Big S revealed that she only eats two meals a day, breakfast and lunch, skipping dinner altogether. This is much like intermittent fasting, which allows for the body to properly digest food while it’s in a fasting state.

She also works with a certified nutritionist who revealed a few of the star’s favourite meals. These are:

Breakfast: Sugar-free yogurt, half a pitaya

Lunch: 2 slices of meat and 2 bowls of hot vegetables

(2)Monitoring her diet

As well as sticking to a strict 2 meals a day meal plan, Big S has cut out all sugar and red meat from her diet, both of which are not only fattening but can help make us look older. She also takes drinking a lot of water very seriously. Drinking a high volume of water is known to help speed up your metabolism, detoxify our bodies and bring an added glow to the skin.


When it comes to weight loss, your ideal goal weight can’t just be achieved through diet alone, you need to get moving too! But not all types of exercise carry the same benefit. Big S credits a mix of yoga and pilates to keep her looking lean and trim. Both of these are also known to improve your mental and physical health.
