睡袋對嬰兒特別是初生嬰兒尤其重要,能大大提升他們的睡眠質量。無論是純棉、柔軟的材質還是防水、防風的設計,都可以在Goxip一系列的精選嬰兒睡袋中找到,可以從多個品牌例如Gucci kids、MoriBaby和Bites中挑選。有袖口和領口的抓毛絨嬰兒睡袋能避免嬰兒因蹬被子而著涼,即使在冬天也不怕嬰兒睡眠時著涼;而紗布或棉質的嬰兒背心睡袋則適合用於溫暖的天氣。喜歡有趣造型的,也可以挑選鯊魚、海星等可愛設計。

Best baby sleep bags in 香港 Getting your baby or toddler down for the night feels like an impossible task? Ensure your little one gets a safe and peaceful night’s sleep with one of Goxip’s baby designer sleep bags, and you’re more likely to get some well-deserved rest too! Baby sleeping bags are a good option as they prevent your baby’s head from being covered if they are wiggling around. You can also select different sizes and designs depending on the age of your baby. As your baby grows into a toddler, sleeping bags remain a good option as they allow for freedom of movement without the worry your night-time ninja might kick off their covers and wake up because they’re too cold. Shop designer baby sleep bags online at Goxip Shop long-sleeved or sleeveless zip-up or button up sleep bags, or try a baby wrap. At Goxip, you’ll find exactly the style of bag you’re looking for!