Sherry Yeung

How does Chow Yun-fat look cool at the age of 63?

Coolest actor in Hong Kong!

How does Chow Yun-fat look cool at the age of 63? | Goxip
How does Chow Yun-fat look cool at the age of 63? | Goxip

Chow Yun Fat is definitely one of the most popular actor in Hong Kong, and his great dressing style is unique and so elegant, representing the men at 60s can still be cool and chic.

1. British gentleman

How does Chow Yun-fat look cool at the age of 63? | Goxip

2. Street denim

How does Chow Yun-fat look cool at the age of 63? | Goxip

3.French classic

Vivienne Westwood