Therapeutic Relief Eczema Shampoo & Bodywash™ 濕疹舒緩沐浴液

Californa Baby
HKD 2,972

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Our steroid-free, gluten-free shampoo and bodywash gets rave reviews from eczema sufferers who’ve tried everything. This unscented, tear-free wash is made with plant-based cleansing ingredients that gently clean without drying or irritating the skin. The active ingredient, gluten-free, certified organic colloidal oatmeal, is very effective in relieving eczema breakouts, rashes, and insect bites. For extra relief, we add certified organic calendula extract and aloe vera to soothe, moisturize, and keep your skin hydrated for longer. Since eczema flare ups can be triggered by food allergies it’s important to reduce potential irritants. This wash is free of gluten, soy, dairy, and nuts (except for coconut) and since we only make our products in-house there’s no risk of cross contamination. Free of: steroids, SLS, sulfates, GMOs, and added fragrance This cruelty-free product is allergy tested and does not contain: gluten, soy, dairy, or nuts (except coconut) Tips for use: For best results use in combination with our Eczema Cream, a super-concentrated, rich cream that deeply moisturizes and locks in moisture to the skin.

我們的無類固醇,無麩質洗髮水和沐浴露得到了濕疹患者的好評。其中植物性清潔成份,無味、無淚、不乾燥或刺激皮膚。 有效成分: 無麩質、認證的有機燕麥片,可以非常有效地緩解濕疹,皮疹和昆蟲叮咬。為了獲得額外的舒緩,我們添加經過認證的有機金盞花提取物及蘆薈來舒緩,滋潤,並保持更長時間的皮膚水分。 由於濕疹爆發可能由食物過敏引起,減少潛在的刺激物是重要的。本產品不含麩質,大豆,乳製品和堅果(椰子除外),而且我們只在內部生產我們的產品,所以不存在交叉污染的風險。 不含:類固醇,SLS,硫酸鹽,GMO和添加香料 過敏測試,不包含:麩質,大豆,奶製品或堅果(椰子除外) 使用提示: 為了獲得最佳效果,請與我們的濕疹霜結合使用,這是一種超濃縮,豐富的乳霜,深層滋潤並鎖住肌膚水分。