Super Sensitive™ (No Fragrance) Everyday Lotion 抗敏無香乳液

Californa Baby
HKD 157

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This famously simple, yet ultra-hydrating lotion is completely free of added fragrance, common allergens and irritants, so it’s perfect for dry, sensitive, allergy-prone skin. It goes on smooth and immediately soothes, moisturizes, and cools, thanks to the power of pure organic calendula extract, aloe vera, and plant-based emollients. A great everyday lotion for the whole family - it absorbs quick and doesn’t feel greasy, leaving the skin feeling softer and healthier, without blocking pores. This cruelty-free product is allergy tested and does not contain: gluten, soy, oats, dairy, or nuts (except coconut) Free of: harsh chemicals, petroleum-derived ingredients, parabens, and added fragrance. Tips for use: California Baby lotions are perfect for light, everyday face and body moisturizing. For extra-dry areas that may need extra attention, try our creams. They’ve got the same effective ingredients, but they’re thicker and more concentrated.這個輕盈,但超保濕的乳液, 完全沒有添加香味、常見的過敏原和刺激物,它對於乾燥,敏感,易過敏皮膚是完美的乳液。 由於純有機金盞花提取物,蘆薈和植物潤膚劑的功效,可以立即舒緩,滋潤和冷卻過敏皮膚。它吸收迅速,不感到油膩,讓皮膚感覺更柔軟和健康更不會阻塞毛孔。 過敏測試,不包含:麩質,大豆,燕麥,乳製品或堅果(椰子除外) 不含:刺激性化學品,石油衍生成分,對羥基苯甲酸酯,並增加香味。 使用提示: California Baby乳液是完美而輕盈的日常臉陪和身體保濕品。 但對於可能需要額外注意的燥區域,請嘗試使用我們的面霜。 他們有相同的有效成分,但他們更厚,更集中。