Super Sensitive Newborn Tote 抗敏配方 (新生兒套裝)

Californa Baby
HKD 337

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Start baby off right! This set is perfect for use on baby's delicate skin and contains everything a new parent needs to keep baby soft, clean, and comfortable! California Baby's head-to-toe skincare products are gentle and formulated without SLS, sulfates, harsh chemicals, DEA, or synthetic fragrances. These indispensable bath care products are naturally fragrance free making them the go-to choice for newborn or ultra-sensitive skin. These cruelty-free products are allergy tested and do not contain: gluten, soy, oats, dairy, or nuts (except coconut) Includes: 8.5oz Super Sensitive™ Shampoo & Bodywash, 6.5oz Super Sensitive Everyday Lotion, 1/2oz Super Sensitive ™ Everyday Lotion, 1/2oz Super Sensitive™ SPF 30+ Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Lotion, 1/2oz Therapeutic Relief Super Sensitive™ Diaper Rash Ointment ,Tote Bag

適用於寶寶嬌嫩的皮膚,一套包含新手家長所需, 包括保持嬰兒清潔、舒適、聞起來甜的一切! 金盞花,一種已被用來舒緩敏感性皮膚數百年的植物,這些產品是皮膚敏感的人補充水分的首選,California Baby所有護膚產品都是天然的,不含SLS,硫酸鹽,DEA或合成香料。 這些不可或缺的沐浴護理產品,淡淡的香氣,融合了法國薰衣草,克拉里鼠尾草,當然還有金盞花。 過敏測試,不包含:麩質,大豆,燕麥,乳製品或堅果(椰子除外)包括: 8.5盎司Super Sensitive™洗髮水和沐浴露, 6.5盎司超級敏感的日常乳液, 1 / 2oz Super Sensitive™日常化妝水, 1 / 2oz Super Sensitive™SPF 30+廣譜防曬乳, 1 / 2oz治療安心超敏感™尿布疹軟膏, 手提袋