Eucalyptus Ease™ Shampoo & Bodywash 尤加利沐浴液

Californa Baby
HKD 141

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This invigorating, but not overpowering, eucalyptus and Douglas fir essential oil blend will help you feel restored and rebalanced. Our concentrated, long-lasting wash is a safe, tear-free option for the whole family and is ideal for those with sensitive skin, eczema, chemical sensitivities or allergy concerns. Its cleansing power comes from certified organic, sustainably harvested soap bark and plant-based glucosides which clean without irritating or drying the skin. Meanwhile, certified organic calendula and aloe vera further soothe and moisturize the skin. Our scents are made from pure essential oils and zero of the unknown and unlisted chemicals that come with synthetic fragrance. This cruelty-free product is allergy tested and does not contain: gluten, soy, oats, dairy, or nuts (except coconut) Free of: harsh chemicals, SLS, sulfates, parabens, synthetic fragrances, and formaldehyde carriers

這種令人振奮的,尤加利樹樹和道格拉斯冷杉精油混合香氣, 可以幫助你洗去勞累。我們著名的溫和、無淚泡泡浴適用於敏感性皮膚,濕疹和過敏的人。與許多常見的泡泡浴中的刺激性化學物質不同,我們使用植物性的泡泡成分,仍能產生大量泡泡,而不會乾燥或刺激皮膚。同時,經過認證的有機蘆薈和金盞花提取物進一步舒緩肌膚。 這種令人振奮的,尤加利樹樹和道格拉斯冷杉精油混合香氣, 可以幫助你洗去勞累。我們的濃縮沐浴乳是一個安全,無淚的選擇。適合整個家庭,包括皮膚敏感、濕疹及化學敏感性或過敏性問題。 其清潔能力來源於經過認證的有機,可持續收穫的肥皂樹皮和基於植物的葡萄糖苷,不會刺激或乾燥皮膚,同時經過認證的有機金盞花和蘆薈進一步舒緩和滋潤皮膚。 我們的香芳是由純淨的精油和非化學物質合成香料組合而成。 過敏測試,不包含:麩質,大豆,燕麥,乳製品或堅果(椰子除外) 不含:苛性化學品,SLS,硫酸鹽,對羥基苯甲酸酯,合成香料和甲醛載體