Czech & Speake Manicure Set

EUR 458

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Every element of this manicure set represents the pinnacle of materials and cutting edge technology, coupled with Czech &, Speake's renowned attention to detail. These manicure instruments have been hand made especially in Germany by experienced tool makers. The long-life nail file was developed especially for Czech &, Speake utilising extremely high tech and incredibly sharp synthetic crystals which act like microscopic planes in the way they trim and shape the nail edge. The Teflon coating on all the instruments dramatically boosts their life span by reducing oxidisation and acts as a dirt repellent, making them supremely hygienic. This set is housed in English long grain leather case and discreetly embossed with the Czech &, Speake logo. A unique magnetic interior does away with the need for the fiddly straps for a sleek finish. The striking simplicity of the central ribbon holds the instruments, with remaining ends held fast by tiny state of the art invisible Neodymium magnets.