DpHUE Color Fresh Oil Therapy 3 Fl. Oz.

Cult Beauty Ltd.
EUR 39
Can’t make your salon appointment? Not to worry, with dpHUE’s Colour Fresh Oil Therapy you can restore your shine and sheen in no time at all from the comfort of your bathroom to star in your own hair commercial! Don’t be fooled by its delicate little bottle, this h’oily grail fusion of argan oil, liquid shea butter, vitamins A and E is not to be underestimated. Its crystal clear formula is designed to keep your hair colour looking salon fresh between salon visits so your highlights stay high, and your lowlights stay low. Unlike most hair oils, this is incredibly lightweight and fast-absorbing which means your hair can stay just as vivacious and full of life even after applying it. Run your fingers through your hair with no greasy residue creating less-than-ideal build up and make heads turn in awe wherever you go…