Leto Soap

USD 14
>1. Mild cleansing face & body soap
2. Moisturizing
3. Soothing
4. Softening

>Active Ingredients: 
Shea Butter : Revitalizes, softens, maintains skin moisture. It is one of the best moisturizing, protecting natural products. It protects the skin from harsh weather conditions and UV damage. Moreover Shea butter is deeply soothing and calming on any irritation and inflammation. Rich in vitamin A, E, F.

>Milk: Milk has proteins, calcium, lactose, fat, vitamin A, B12, D and zinc.
It smooths and softens the skin. 
Rice starch: It softens the skin and calms from irritation. It leaves the skin smooth and supple.

>Chamomile: Ant-inflammatory action. It reduces swelling, redness and soothes dry or sensitive skin.


>Ingredient : Milk, Cinnamon, Chamomile